Train Radar - watch trains moving in real time - for free

Welcome to the Track & Trace train radar. Choose the country you want to see the trains moving.
Choose this option to show all Amtrak train positions in the US.
flight radar usa
Choose this option to show all Société nationale des chemins de fer français - SNCF - train positions in France.
Choose this option to show all Deutsche Bahn – DB – train positions in Germany.
Choose this option to show all Österreichische Bundesbahnen - ÖBB - train positions in Austria.
Choose this option to show all Schweizerische Bundesbahn - SBB - train positions in Switzerland.
Choose this option to show all Căile Ferate Române - CFR - train positions in Romania.
Choose this option to show all train positions in the UK.
england uk
Choose this option to show all underground trains in London.
london tube
Choose this option to show all trains in India.

Track your Train – live and for free

Have you ever wondered: ‘Is my train on time?’ or ‘Where is that train?’. Here you will get your answer. Are you at the train station right now and waiting for the train come – or are you at home and want to track a train because one of your beloved is in there and you want to know if he / she will arrive on time? Congratulations -this is the website of your choice. Track trains on currently three continents.

What trains may I track?

You can track trains on several contents. Currently we’ve collected maps for North America, several countries in Europe and India. For example, if you want to track Amtrack trains just refer to the US-Map here. Nice to know: you may also track VIA trains (Canadian trains) in this map. For Europe, we’ve got several countries listed: France (Track SNCF Trains), Germany (Track DB Trains), Austria (Track ÖBB Trains), Switzerland (Track SBB Trains), Romania (Track the Romanian Railways) and the United Kingdom (Railradar UK). As a special service there is also a London Tube Live map. And have you been to India and wondered ‘Where is my train’. We’ve got them on the Indian Rail radar.

How do the Rail radars work?

It depends on the source material. Some Railway companies publicize their data on a open source basis where everyone may use them and integrate them in s special map. Just like the US Trainradar does. Some other Railway companies like the Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) in France, the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) in Germany or the Österreichischen Bundesbahnen in Austria publicize their own maps where you can track your train. We included these maps as a service for you in realtime on our website.

Can I buy train tickets on your website?

We just provide information on the train status and its location. You cannot buy tickets for your ride on this website. We are also not affiliated or connected to any of the Railroad companies an any way.

What’s the cost of Trainradar?

Track-Trace.Live Trainradar is for free. Using the train status service will not charge anything. This is for now and also the future. You also don’t need to install any browser plugins to track trains. Also Adobe flash I not required to see the live train status in realtime on the maps.

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Trainradar USA

Track Amtrak Trains in the US Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Welcome to the Amtrack Train Status Have you ever wanted to watch the status of your Amtrack train? Now you are in the right place. This Amtrak train tracker shows the status of all available trains and shows them on a map. How can I track…